Monday, December 14, 2009

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, reviewed by Hitesh Sharma

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Reviewed by
Name: Hitesh Sharma (12 years)
School: Golden Heights School, Gurgaon, Haryana

This book consists which has been written by the author ‘Mark Twain’. He wrote the story ‘The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn’. While he was on a journey.

The main characters of this story are HUCKLEBERRY FINN, WIDOW DOUGLASS, TOM SAWYER and Tinn’s friends. Tinn relates to a poor family. This father was a drunkard. Tinn used to live in a dirty place and also wanted to wear ragged clothes.

A Widow Douglass who had no son wanted to adopt Hulck. She wants to learn, to teach and civilize him. But Hulck was not ready to change his behavior. Hulck had a group of friends who wanted to run a gang of robbers named ‘TOM SAWYER’S GANG’ His friends gave him a oath that if anyone of them would tell about their gang, he would be punished and his family would be killed. Hulck was afraid about thinking that he had only a father in his family. If he would be killed, what would he have? So he turned back from the gang.

This story tells us that money is not every thing, but we should be humble to mankind.

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