Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K Rowling, reviewed by Yashila Singh

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K Rowling

Reviewed by
Yashila Singh
School: Gyan Mandir Public School

About the Author:

J.K. (Jonne Kathleen) Rowling has written fiction since she was a child, and always wanted to be an author. Her parents loved reading and their house in Chepslow as full of books.

The idea of Harry Potter occurred to J.K. Rowling on the t rain from Manchester to London. Firstly he wrote:

1) Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone

2) Harry Potter and the chamber of secret.

3) Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.

4) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which is followed by

5) Harry Potter and the half Blood Prince

Main Characters

1) Harry Potter

2) Herminy Granger

3) Rawn Viesely

4) Dursleys

5) Godfather Sirins black

6) Death eaters.

7) Professor Dumbledore

8) Lord Voldemort

Harry has yet again spent the summer holidays at the Durslays. He has had plenty of think about, through – from the death of his beloved godfather Sirins Black, to the terrifying chase through the Ministry of Magic by the Death eaters, to the fierce duel be witnessed between Professor Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort. Now he is waiting nervously in his bed room at the Durslay’ for a visit from his head master want to visit him now. What is it can’t be the beginning of term? He was also quiet sure how the Dursleys will react to the head master’s sudden appearance in their own home …

It is the middle of the summer, but there is an unseasonal mist pressing against the window panes. Harry Potter is waiting nervously in his bedroom at the Dursley’s house in Priver drive from Professor Duymbledore himself. One of the last times he saw the head master was in a fierce one-to-one dual with Lord Voldermort, and Harry can’t quiet believe that professor Dumbledore will actually appear at the Dursley’s of all places. Why the professor coming to visit him now? What is it that can’t wait until Harry returns to Hogwarts in a few weeks’ an unusual start, as the worlds of Muggle and magic start to intertwine …

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