Monday, December 14, 2009

Eragon by Christopher Paolini, reviewed by Aditi Saini

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Reviewed by
Name: Aditi Saini
School: D.A.V Public School

Eragon is mind-blowing fiction novel, from the bottom of my heart i truly appreciate the height of mounts (actually mount Everest)of imagination and creativity shown by the author CHRISTPOHER PAOLINI. The story kept haunting and wandering in my mind long after i finished reading the very last word ”I WILL COME”.I felt as a part of me is actually in the novel. When i finished it ,it felt as if the most important part of my being-my heart and mind has been extracted from me by the sheer forces of the novel. The urge to read the next book-Eldest far more than anything in the world .I liked a story of how a poor farmer boy-first discover the stone and then saphira hatches out of it. Also ,saphira was also the name of Brom’s dragon. Their heart-throbbing encounters with kulls, urgals and the RA’ZAC is truly spine-chilling. AFTER they finally meet the Varden-AJIHAD .Their life takes a turn .I truly thank you for inventing such a great novel.

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