Monday, December 14, 2009

Twenty One Short Stories by Sen Bedaysee, reviewed by Shitiz

Twenty One Short Stories by Sen Bedaysee

Reviewed by
Name: Shitiz
School: Gyan Mandir Public School

This book is dedicated with deep love to my late son, Hans, once a passionate reader, who passed away in a road accident on his motor-bike at the age of sixteen.

This short story book aims to providing support to the policy of inculcating in our young students the taste for reading English. Simple and short, the stories relate the experiences of Mauritians. Students will not fail to identify themselves with some characters and recognize others.

Attention has been paid to the following precise vocabulary, appropriate link words, well chosen expressions, simple structures so that reading for pleasure be entertaining and instructive. Composition writing can become an enjoyable exercise if ideas are properly expressed.

The title of the stories are like this:
1. Big Balloon
2. Mr. Mukhool – The Teacher
3. Ox-President
4. The Lovely Princess
5. Bojo the Liar
6. The Shark and the Fisherman.
7. A Mischievous They Punished by WASPS
8. The King and the Queen.
9. Cyclone Hollanda Gives a Warning.
10. A letter from Auntie Jacqueline
11, My Trip to England
12. The Wicked Man and the Three Little Girls.
13. Joseph Plays Truant
14. The Cat and the Moue
15. A sad story
16. The School Outing
17. Mitra and Her two cruel sisters
18. The Tiplo’s old Volkswagen
19. A success story
20. The Advice to a Lazy Friend.
21. The toy of the Tizan.

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